The importance of risk

Growth β€” learning, social, and material require a stimulus.
Risk is a critical stimulus.
  • Habits are powerful. The most important types of learning is both unlearning and behavior change. Bad habits impede both. Risk and fear are powerful catalysts to break habits.
  • Gurwinder: Failure is a mark of courage. It means you risked failure.
  • Naval Ravikant identifies 3 requirements for building wealth: specific knowledge, leverage, and accountability. Accountability is code for "risk". For commitment. He also said "It's not white collar versus blue collar. It's unleveraged versus leveraged."
  • Mike Bloomberg:
    • "Did I want to risk an embarrassing and costly failure? Absolutely. Happiness for me has always been the thrill of the unknown, trying something that everyone says can't be done, feeling that gnawing pit in my stomach that says danger ahead. I want action. I want a challenge. Even today, after toiling for 50 years, I wake up looking forward to getting in early, practicing my profession." I really appreciate that he used the word 'practice' there, "Creating something and competing against the best. It is a real high to be a participant rather than a spectator."